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Dorking Schools Partnership

Dorking Schools Partnership

Parenting Workshops

6-week Parenting Workshop – a course for parents and carers (based on Parenting Puzzle)

The Parenting Workshop is a 6-week course for parents of children in Reception, KS1, KS2 and KS3 that encourages parents and carers to enjoy bringing up children and get the best out of family life.

It offers positive, practical ways of guiding children so that they learn to handle both their feelings and their behaviour. The course is informal, fun and a great confidence booster. It is held at Dorking Nursery School, West Street, Dorking and the Mole Valley Family Centre, Goodwyns, Dorking.

There is a cost for the course which covers the course book and refreshments, payable as £2 per week (however if you have any concerns regarding payment please give us a call in confidence). There is a small crèche available. Booking is essential, and a £5 deposit is required to secure your place.

To find out more/book a place, please contact the Mole Valley Family Centre on 01306 740095.